A key update
Traveling time and space with his parents as his Time teacher's for the rest of his knowledge based Time Lord classes had said to Jacobson Steven,” You know son of ours this is the last thing we have to teach you knowledge Wise.” Jacobson Steven asked,” Okay, thanks for letting me know. So who can teach me experience wise? Do you know anyone who can?” They replied,” an old friend of ours a Time Lord by The title of The Doctor. We know he can test people and bring out the best in people.” Jacobson Steven then asked,” how soon can you contact him?” They replied,” We already did so he or she should be here within the hour.” The 14th Doctor having parked the TARDIS behind a dollar tree near by said,” actually I've arrived here four minutes and thirty seconds early. It is so good to hear that a couple from Gallifrey survived and living on Earth.” Jacobson Steven added,” and had the first ever born Time Lord raised on two schooling system's.” The Doctor was amazed at all of this ...